Pannipitiya, Christ King Church

  • Administrative Body: Parish Counsil
  • Zones: (refer to the earlier shared to add to the website)
  • Committees and Societies:
  1. Vincent de Paul Society
  2. Youth Committee
  3. Catechism School
  4. Choir Group
  5. Liturgical Assistance Committee
  6. Legion of Mary
  • Cultural and Artistic Groups
  1. Media Unit
  2. Sunday School Western Band

Hokandara, St. Anthony’s Church –

  • Hokandara, St. Anthony’s Church –
  • Administrative Body: Parish Counsil
  • Zones:

Zone 1:  St. Cecilia

Zone 2: St. Rita

Zone 3: St. Monica

Zone 4: St. Augustine

  • Committees and Societies:
  1. Catholic Charismatic Renewal (කිතු දන පුබුදුව)
  2. Vincent de Paul Society
  3. Youth Committee
  4. Catechism School
  5. Choir Group
  6. Liturgical Assistance Committee

Rukmalgama, St. Sebastian's Church –

  • Administrative Body: Parish Counsil
  • Zones:

Zone 1: St. Anne

Zone 2: St. Dominic

Zone 3: St. Benedict

Zone 4: St. Francis of Assisi

Zone 5: St. Thomas

Zone 6: St. John the Baptist

  • Committees and Societies:
  1. Youth Committee
  2. Catechism School
  3. Choir Group
  4. Liturgical Assistance Committee

Maththegoda, St. Jude’s Church –

  • Administrative Body: Parish Counsil
  • Zones:

Zone 1: Queen of Apostles

Zone 2: Mother of Divine Grace

Zone 3: Moher of Love

Zone 4: Queen of Angels

Zone 5: Mother of Holy Rosary  

Zone 6: Mother of Nativity

Zone 7: Queen of Peace

Zone 8: Our lady of Miracles

Zone 9: Morning Star

  • Committees and Societies:
  1. Youth Committee
  2. Catechism School
  3. Choir Group
  4. Liturgical Assistance Committee
  • Cultural and Artistic Groups
  1. Sunday School Western Band (* The Sunday School Western Band, formed this year, performs for the first time at the church feast 2024)
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